Eurasian Higher Education Summit’s (EURIE) first introductory meeting was held with the attendance of Consulates in Istanbul on 19 August, 2015

Eurasian Higher Education Summit’s (EURIE) first introductory meeting was held with the attendance of Consulates in Istanbul on 19 August, 2015

Speaking at the meeEUIRE1ting, Eurasian Universities Union President Dr. Mustafa Aydın noted that the Summit will be the first higher education exhibition and conference to be held in the region. The meeting was participated by 27 consulates including American, Russian, German, Dutch, Chinese, and Spanish consulates. Dr. Aydın added that similar exhibitions and conferences such as NAFSA (Northern America), EIAE (Europe) and APAIE (Asia Pacific) contribute immensely to the quality of education at the region, global recognition and international student mobility and expressed his pride in sponsoring the fourth biggest event in this framework.

Established with the Cabinet’s decision dated 3/1/2010 and approval of the President, EURAS is one of the broadest higher education networks which has over 85 members from Europe, Asia and the Middle East. EURIE 2016 summit, which will be sponsored by Eurasian Universities Union, will host the most prestigious universities, academics and researhers during the 3-day exhibition which will feature conferences, seminars and panels in Istanbul.

EURIE Eurasian Higher Education Summit aims to promote Turkey’s higher education sector worldwide, increase the appeal of Turkish higher education thus increase its academic collaborations and international student enrollments. The Summit is planned to take Turkey’s higher education to global platforms and bring higher education works globally to Istanbul and will also give opportunities to our country and to our universities.