EURAS, in collaboration with several Partners and Members, is pleased to offer a series of free webinars on the Future of Higher Education and International Education. A unique opportunity to engag

I. International Conference on Data Management, Digitization and Economic Practices in Preserving & Promoting Cultural Heritage – DEPCH2023 Dear Esteemed Members of EURAS, We are thrilled

Distinguished EURAS Members, As a valued member of EURAS-Eurasian Universities Union, we are delighted to invite you to join our upcoming webinar on “NEW TRENDS in Digital Business and M

Mark your Calendar! EURAS Webinar on“Good governance, Quality Assurance and Responsibility in Higher Education in the Eurasian region: Towards a Better University”on 10 N

“RUSSIAN INVASION TO UKRAINE AND HUMANITARIAN IMPACT TO THE REGION” As EURAS-Eurasian Universities Union, we are pleased to continue EURAS Webinar Series and will be hosting E
As EURAS-Eurasian Universities Union, we are pleased to invite you to join the “International online conference: Social, Economic, Human Consequences of COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkey and th
As EURAS-Eurasian Universities Union, we are pleased to continue EURAS Webinar Series and will be hosting EURAS Webinar on AFGHANISTAN – A COUNTRY IN CRISIS: WHAT IS THE FUTURE?&nbs
As EURAS-Eurasian Universities Union, we are pleased to continue EURAS Webinar Series and will be hosting EURAS Webinar on ‘’How internationalization can foster global communication skills dev
EURAS Webinar SeriesAFRICAN TRANSIT MIGRATION THROUGHLIBYA TO EUROPE: THE HUMAN COST As EURAS-Eurasian Universities Union, we are pleased to announce about new EURAS International Webinar on �
International Ranking for Young HEIs: Challenges and Opportunities Expanding internationalization of higher education systems, increasing higher education market and international student mobility