1st International EURAS Youth Festival” which is about “Youth and Environment in the Developing World” held in cooperation with Istanbul Aydın University between the dates of 4 – 8 August, 2014.Approximately 150 students and academicians participated in festival from the 20 different countries and 34 different universities. Rising generation of developing world discussed about The Youth of Today, entrepreneurship, social responsibility and environmental issues etc.
During the event, the participants had the opportunity to exchange of ideas, develop new projects, gain experience on social responsibility, project writing and management, on the other hand the students from different cultures has made their presentations to reflect their culture, and expectations from the future opportunities on education, social fact and the development of the young generations in their countries.

The opening speech was held by President of YouthMed Loredana RUBEIS, summarized the EURAS Youth Festival’s objectives in her conversation and as an International student of Istanbul Aydın University, Muhammed ABDELHADI explained his experiences in Turkey in his speech.
Youth had opportunity to meet and socialize between each other and Istanbul Aydın University Folk Dance Group has performed their Turkish Folk Dance Show.
In the second day of festival, Vice Dean of David Tvildiani Medical University, Georgia, Prof. Dr. Paata TSAGAREISHVILI pointed out “Why Universities need their Programs’ Modernization and what it means in regard of professionalism and Social Responsibility” in his presentation.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sevinj RUINTAN and her students from Baku State University, Azerbaijan made their presentation about “The Point of Views of Modern Azerbaijan Youth to the World”
Almina DURAKOVIC, from Faculty of Design, Slovenia has made her own exhibition which is underwater costume design for contemporary ballet called Compassion.
PhD. Assoc. Prof. Mariaa TYSHCHENKO, from Vadim Getman Kyiv National Economy University pointed out “Current Status and Characteristics of Higher Education in Ukraine” in her presentation.
Antonio MAGLIULO from Università Degli Studi Internazionali Di Roma, explained about “Sustainable Tourism” in his presentation.
Students of David Tvildiani Medical University, made a presentation about “Environment and Health”

ÇEVSÜR (Environment and Sustainable Campus Club) Students of Istanbul Aydın University has explained their club and activities, projects in their presentation.
The final presentation of the second day was made by students of University of Raparin from Iraq, Mohammad Hmad Amin Shako and Ali Hassan Hoshmand made presentation about “Genocide and Environmental Change of Iraq”.
In the third day of festival, First of all Specialist at Turkish National Agency of Neslihan SAĞLAM, made presentation about “ERASMUS+ Programme.
Educational Consultant of Istanbul Aydın University, Ümit KESKİN throw light on youth in his presentation about ““Youth for Growth” “The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth””
Acting President of International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation and General Secretary of EURAS Muzaffer BACA gave information about international project and social responsibility with his presentation which is “Social Responsibility”.
Group SÜRBİRİŞ – R&D Group for Sustainable Interoperability gave inspiration on Youth with their creative activities and projects in their presentation.
Youth had workshop on “Exchange of Experience” in the leading of YouthMed Delegation
At the end of the day Dance Group of Instıtute of Business Management and Law from Russia has attracted the youth with their great Modern Dance Show.
In the fourth day of festival, Sorbonne University, Prof. Dr. Yves CHARBIT gave a seminar on “Social Responsibility, Population, Urban and Development” which had a great influence on the participants.
From Head Global Partnership for Education at World Bank, Prof. Dr. Hugues MOUSSY discussed about “The Geopolitics of Education” in seminar. It was a great opportunity for the different cultures to learn about the studies of World Bank in Education.
Lecturer of Istanbul Aydın University and UNESCO Chair Cultural Diplomacy, Governance and Education Dr. Selin ŞENOCAK has discussed “Cultural Diplomacy and Intercultural Communication” with the young generation and they have recognized the differences and the similarities between cultures and developing new common social facts.
In the last day of Festival, they had an enthusiastic to environment activity and have to opportunity to visit the south coast of Istanbul and see the historical places of Istanbul.