Mayıs 2016

Gençlik ve Gönüllülük Zirvesi

Prof. Dr. Yadigar İZMİRLİ (İAÜ Rektörü) Recep ÜKER (IBC Başkan) (UNV Türkiye Program Yöneticisi) İAÜ ÖĞRENCİLERİ GÖNÜLLÜLÜK ANKETİ SUNUM Zeynep Banu DALAMAN (İAÜ Türkiye Ar

New Members of EURAS

EURAS is enlarging the number of its member and activities in 2014. We would like to announce our new members and wish to meet them in upcoming events in a close future; Business Academy Aarhus, De

International Criminology Symposium

24 MARCH 2014, MONDAY OPENING 09.00-09.30 Registration 09.30-10.00 Opening Speeches Dean of Law Faculty, Prof. Dr. Enver Bozkurt (Istanbul Aydin University) Prof. Dr. Finn Aage Esbensen (Chair Depa

Euras is enlarging the number of its member and activities in 2014. We would like to announce our new members and wish to meet them in upcoming events in a close future; Nakchivan Private Universit