Innovation and Invention Workshops held by EURAS and IFIA
20 December 2017
“Road to Success” and “Innovation and Invention: From Idea to Invention, from Invention to Commercialization” workshops were held successfully in Istanbul Aydin University on 20 December, 2017. Eurasian Universities Union and International Federation of Innovators Association (IFIA) were the organizers of the workshop and Dr. Masoud Tajbakhsh, Director of Planning and Academic Cooperation of IFIA honored the workshop with his speech.
EURIE Training for Turkish Universities
7 December 2017
EURAS’s latest event, EURIE Training for Turkish universities was successfully held at Istanbul Aydin University on 7th of November. Over 30 institutions joined the interactive training program holding the theme on “Beyond the Borders”.
Being an International Student in Turkey supported by EURAS
29 November 2017
The International Symposium on Being an International Student in Turkey, supported by EURAS, was held at Istanbul Aydin University, Turkey on 29 November, 2017
IWW2017 with supports of EURAS
5-8 November 2017
The 9th International Symposium on Image Processing, Wavelet and Applications (IWW2017) was held in Kars, Turkey between November 5 and 8 2017. IWW 2017 was organized by Kafkas University with the co-operations of İstanbul Aydın University, EURAS EURASIAN UNIVERSITIES UNION, Marmara University, Kocaeli University, Sharda University and Altınbaş University.
EURIE Training in Romania
3 November 2017
EURIE Training, as a workshop series prior to EURIE Summit, took the next step in Romania at one of the valuable EURAS members Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University. On 3rd of November, 2017 EURE Training was held with participation of EURAS member universities as well as other higher education institutions both from Romania and outside of the country.
8th International Atmospheric Symposium, ATMOS 2017
1-4 November 2017
The 8th International Atmospheric Symposium, ATMOS2017, was held on 1-4 November 2017 hosted by Istanbul Technical University, Turkey. The Symposium brought together scientists, students, and other stakeholders form the climate change and extreme weather events, hydrology, air quality, renewable energy, agricultural meteorology, water resources management, aviation meteorology, and many other topics.
EURAS Academy for Superior Group-Pakistan
1 November 2017
Istanbul Aydin University, a member of Eurasian Universities Union (EURAS) hosted a group of 110 persons from the Superior University of Pakistan on November 01, 2017 for the EURAS Academy event.
“International Library Week” at Istanbul Aydin University
25-27 October, 2017
International Library Week was held at Istanbul Aydin University on October 25-27,2017 where EURAS was one of the supporters of the organization.
The Library Staff of universities were invited to the event by the International Academic Relations Office and EURAS was kept informed about the organization significantly long time ego. The accessbility, new research sources and tools as well as thhe innovative methods and systems were properly reviewed by all the participants.
EURAS Academy in Iran
15th of October, 2017

We would like to proudly announce that EURAS Academy, by Eurasian Universities Union, will be held in Tehran, Iran on 15th of October, 2017.
EURAS Academy will be hosted by Amir Kabir University of Technology which is one of the most prestigious higher education institution of the country and a member of EURAS.
International Film Festival in Adana, Turkey
11-17 September 2017
24th International Film Festival based on international students’ movies will be held in Adana, Turkey this year between September, 11-17. The event is mainly organized by the Adana Metropolitan Municipality as per the purposes of encouraging the young generation and awarding their successes, protection of cultural values as well as improvement and publicity of them, contributing the future of Turkish and world’s cinema in a supportive way. We would like to proudly note that the festival will be supported by Eurasian Universities Union…
*shipfest – The Startup Festival
11-13 July 2017
The Startup Festival
EURAS is one of the partners of *shipfest The Startup Festival to be held in Kotka, Finland on 11-13 July where EURAS Team takes place with an exhibiting booth. Particularly one of the side events of the festival GUS – Global University Summit is paid high attention by EURAS & EURIE Team where there will be extremely innovative approaches to teaching, and entrepreneurial-creative mindset will be reviewed during the three fulfilling days. GUS will consist of seminars and workshops covering the best examples of real practices regarding the daily lives of universities.

*ship – The Startup Festival generally defines itself connecting the future generation of entrepreneurs with mentors worldwide. As introduced during EURIE 2017 – Eurasia Higher Education Summit in Istanbul on 22-24 march, *ship is targeted on promotion of entrepreneurship, new investments any other relevant fields within entrepreneurial mindset. *ship is organized annually by PatteriES which is a student-led organization of South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences. The event is supported by the following partners: Google, City of Kotka, Cursor, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences and EURAS – Eurasian Universities Union.
EURIE 2017 – Eurasia Higher Education Summit
22-24 March, 2017

EURIE 2017 – Eurasia Higher Education Summit, endorsed and supported by EURAS, presented unforgettable time in the heart of Istanbul to its participants during 3 days between March, 22-24, 2017.
Failed Military Coup Attempt in Turkey and Its Reflections Worldwide Held by EURAS