Aims and Scope
EURAS Academic Journal is a quarterly, open-access, peer-reviewed international journal published by Eurasian Universities Union, the largest international education association of Eurasia region. It committed to providing a lively meeting-place for international perspectives on scientific developments across the globe. EURAS Academic Journal has a multidisciplinary basis in which every issue in every quarter of a year has a different subject matter. We believe that if your research is scientifically valid and technically sounds significant then it deserves to be published and made accessible to the world research community.
EURAS Academic Journal welcome submissions from cross-disciplinary fields, including social science, engineering, education, culture and language, although no area of science is excluded from consideration.
We use Open access and continuous online publication model which means that your work will be published swiftly, ready to be accessed by anyone, anywhere, at any time. In addition, all the volumes are publishing in hard copy format as well, distributing through the wide network of Eurasian Universities Union.
Peer Review Process
The aim of the peer review process is to establish the technical soundness of a submission. Referees and Editorial Board Members will determine whether a paper is scientifically valid and deserve for publication or not. EURAS Academic Journal is committed to provide an efficient service for both, authors and readers. Our blind peer-review system along with the editorial board of independent editors provides a mean of rapid and fair publication decisions.
Each manuscript is handled by a scientific board member and undergoes peer review by two or more referees in addition to the Editorial Board Member. The scientific board members are active researchers from all fields within the journal’s scope, manages the peer review process, and decides whether a paper should be accepted for publication or not.
Publication Frequency
EURAS Academic Journal is a multidisciplinary international journal with continuous online publication program on daily basis. Accepted articles will be published as soon as ready for publication in a quarterly published volume i.e. 4 volumes per year and always free to access, download and reuse.
Copyright Notice
All rights reserved. This information may be freely used and copied for non-commercial purposes, provided that the source is acknowledged (© EURAS – Eurasian Universities Union).
This does not apply to the pages and images with explicitly reserved reproduction rights: © followed by the right owner. Reproduction of the latter requires prior authorization from the author.
Authors who submit papers with this journal agree to the following terms:
- It should be clear for authors that the Editorial Committee is responsible for the final decision about the submitted papers; have the right to accept\reject any paper.
- If at any time, due to any legal reason, if the journal stops accepting manuscripts or could not publish already accepted manuscripts, we will have the right to cancel all or any one of the manuscripts without any compensation.