The Association of Arab Universities, promoting cooperation among Arab higher education institutions.

The Association of Private Universities and Institutes of Higher Education in Afghanistan, which promotes the development of private higher education in the region.

British Council
A vital partner that fosters cultural relations and educational opportunities between the UK and other countries.

DEIK: The Foreign Economic Relations Board
Higher Education Business Council, fostering collaboration between education and business sectors.

Education Malaysia Global Services
Promoting Malaysian higher education on a global scale.

The European Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, dedicated to improving quality assurance practices across Europe.

E-Quadrat Science & Education
Consulting firm that uses a data-driven approach to tailor customised solutions for universities, governments, businesses, and ngos all over the world with a particular focus on transition economies.

ESN (Erasmus Student Network)
Supporting student mobility and engagement in higher education.

The European Universities Continuing Education Network, promoting lifelong learning across Europe.

Facilitating academic collaboration and exchange between Europe and Mexico.

The Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities, enhancing academic collaboration in Latin America.

The International Association of University Presidents, focused on leadership and advocacy in higher education.

Connecting international students with educational opportunities.

Ministry of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Kingdom of Morocco
Working together to enhance educational policies and practices.

The Association of International Educators, promoting global learning opportunities.

Universities in Europe network, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange.

The Mediterranean Universities Union, promoting cooperation among Mediterranean higher education institutions.

Study in Uzbekistan, facilitating educational opportunities in Uzbekistan.