EURIE 2020 – Eurasia Higher Education Summit
19-21 February 2020
EURIE 2020 Summit was successfully organized and hosted more than 2.700 participants from 65 countries. EURIE Summit which is the annual Conference & expo of EURAS, is the signature event of Eurasia and Turkey. Vice-Chancellors, Chancellors, university representatives, Government representatives, industry representatives, members of the innovation community, international education professionals and media attended in EURIE Summit. EURIE 2020 Summit conference theme was “Uniting for International Education”. All participants had the chance to generate new partnerships with each other and to discuss current challenges of higher Education sector. Special Thanks to EURAS members & partners and all of our participants from various higher education institutions. We succeeded to have a very successful EURIE Summit in Istanbul on 19-21 February, 2020.
EURAS Executive Board Members Meeting
19 February 2020
We organized our Executive Board Members meeting on 19th of February, 2020. During the meeting, EURAS & EURIE General Coordinator, Pinar ELBASAN gave detailed information about the activities of the year of 2019, new members-partners as well as the future events. After the presentation of our General Coordinator, Board Members evaluated our works, determined future strategies and made decisions that will create a difference, such as stronger communication, cooperation, quality and EURAS Academy events that will be hosted by our Member Universities. Thereof the possibility came out to review and discuss about past, current and future issues related to EURAS within all the aspects. Due to an evaluation of the year of 2019 and opening speech made by our General Coordinator and our President, it was started to be discussed what and how to collaborate in the future via the members and partners of EURAS. The latest services and projects were also properly reviewed by Board Members.

Following the successful completion of EURAS Executive Board Members Meeting, it was the time for EURIE Gala Dinner. The venue of the dinner was specially selected with an amazing historical Basilica Cistern for the valued representatives of EURAS network.

20 February 2020
EURAS Forum was held successfully on 20th of February, 2020 within EURIE 2020 Summit. EURAS Member and Partner Universities’ representatives attended in EURAS Forum. EURAS & EURIE General Coordinator, Pinar ELBASAN gave a presentation about EURAS regarding latest news and developments of our Union. During EURAS Forum, we hosted two special guest speakers from our partner organizations. Prof. Hmaid Ben Aziza, General Secretary of UNIMED talked about “Universities Facing the Challenge of Digital Revolution” and Prof. Rossana Silva, President of Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities, made a presentation about their network and Brazilian Universities. Our President, Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın gave the closing remarks and shared our future goals and strategies and stressed the importance of cooperation and synergy in higher education and in the global academy community, underlining that EURAS members should cooperate in more fields and increase their synergies with other universities, as well as the need to intensify their common academic studies. He has also expressed that EURAS Members should develop cooperation and carry out joint projects with non-governmental organizations such as the United Nations, UNICEF and the World Health Organization.

At the end of the meeting, Our President and Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities President Rossana Silva signed a cooperation agreement which implies that the two associations will cooperate in the field of student and academic exchange and develop joint projects & events.
Ultimately we would like to note that we have been highly honored to host a lot of attendees from several members and partners who powerfully contribute to EURAS through their own fields of activities, networking capability, regional advantages and all that. Once again we would like to appreciate their valued participation and invite the entire EURAS network to EURIE 2021 – Eurasia Higher Education Summit to be held in Istanbul on 03 – 05 March next year.
Imagine Tomorrow 2020
19-20 February 2020
Imagine Tomorrow 2020 – International Innovation and Entrepreneurship Event, a sub-event of EURIE – Eurasia Higher Education Summit, was held on 19-20 February 2020 in Istanbul, Turkey, hosted incubator firms in science parks and individual entrepreneurs working in alliance with higher education institutions.
Over 350 applications have been received for this event from around the world. These high quality applications were evaluated by at least 2 different external evaluators. The 50 most innovative initiatives are identified and invited to Imagine Tomorrow event. For the Young Entrepreneurship category, 20 most innovative entrepreneurs / projects / business ideas have been identified among the valuable applications. The event hosted 70 entrepreneurs from 8 different countries, 18 panelists, 30 jury members and over 600 participants. The Jury made it possible to find the owners of over 30 awards at the end of 2 days of intense labor.
During the event, entrepreneurs had the chance to showcase their startups at the Poster Area and network with the other players in the ecosystem, EURIE University Partner Universities’ and some institution’s Technology Transfer Offices also exhibited with their stands at Imagine Tomorrow area.
Going Global 2020 Conference
We would like to inform you about Going Global 2020 Conference that will be held by British Council between 29-30 June, 2020 in London. You will have chance to network at Going Global 2020 Conference for leaders of international education and to explore collaborative solutions with more than 1,200 leaders from 80 countries at Going Global in London. The British Council’s annual conference for leaders of international education, Going Global 2020 will explore the theme – Global Leaders, Global Innovation. Special advantages are offered to EURAS Members. Secure your place before Wednesday, 01 April 2020 to make the most of this offer. Registration for Going Global 2020 is open, EURAS Members and partners shall contact [email protected] to get their promo code. As EURAS, we are proud to be one of the supporters of the event.