International Ranking for Young HEIs: Challenges and Opportunities

Expanding internationalization of higher education systems, increasing higher education market and international student mobility urges universities to establish a strong basis for competitive advantage. Spirit of competition between institutions is constantly increasing as HEIs strive to extend international student recruitment, to secure funding for research, while enhancing their national and international recognition and prestige.
Various rankings are regarded as platforms for HEIs to demonstrate their international competitiveness. With international rankings rising up in the higher education market as a source of information for applicants, their parents and the society, relatively young HEIs are pursuing the appropriate policies to ensure that relevant criteria used by international ranking organizations are defined and fulfilled to enable them to be listed among the highly ranked universities.
Most of the young national universities do not have the relevant research capacity to ensure that they meet the specific requirements in terms of the main ranking indicators. This also requires the governments to change specific policies in response to the performance of their universities in international rankings.
The purpose of the international webinar jointly organized by Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) and Eurasian Universities Union (EURAS) is to gather education experts who will discuss the opportunities and challenges for young universities to be placed in international rankings, while sharing their best practices in this regard.
In this context, we are pleased to continue EURAS Webinar Series and will be hosting EURAS Webinar on International Ranking for Young HEIs: Challenges and Opportunities May 25, 2021 at 14:00 (Turkish Time) on Zoom in collaboration with Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS).
Participants need to pre-register from here
Participants will receive the link to join the Zoom Webinar a day before the event. They are kindly requested to download the Zoom app in advance and join the webinar 5 minutes before start time.
Assoc. Prof. Mustafa AYDIN
EURAS President
Rector ; BHOS ( Baku Higher Oil School)
Executive Vice Rector, ADA University, ( Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy)
Consultant to the Rector of the University of Rome Sapienza for Rankings & Business Development Partner at QS (Quacquarelli Symonds)
Prof. Dr. Zafer ASLAN
Vice Rector; IAU (Istanbul Aydın Unıversity )
Prof. Dr. Md Kabirul ISLAM
Director ; Division of Research; Daffodil International University
Leila Delovarova
Director; Marketing and Recruiting Center; Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Zhaxybay Suingariyev
Head of Strategic Marketing and Brand Management; Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Head of Strategic Development, UNEC (Azerbaijan State University of Economics)